Sunday, July 05, 2009

Happy July 4th

We had, including ourselves, 49 people at the house to celebrate Independence Day. The menu was Mexican food. Jody and I prepared beef chimichangas, chicken quesadillas, flour tortillas for soft tacos, mexican rice, pinto beans, pico de gallo and gaucamole. Everyone else brought the rest of the fixin's to complete meal. It was wonderul! It is always a great time when our other missionary friends are able to get together. It was not a typical 4th as many of you in the States were enjoying your 100 degree weather cooking out on the grill. It was cloudy, breezy, and about 55 degrees!
God has blessed us with an incredible missionary family that surrounds us. When we arrived on the field, I did not fully understand the term "missionary family". But during times like these, missing the American holidays that we do, it makes it a lot easier to endure and get through.

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