Saturday, November 25, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Now, you may be thinking that this is 2 days late. You are kind of correct. Those of you in the USA celebrated or observed Thanksgiving on Thursday of this week. You remember – the day the Dallas Cowboys played and won – beat the Tampa Bay Bucs. Unfortunately, I was unable to see the game and they did not show SportsCenter on Friday so I could not see any of Tony Romo’s five passing touchdowns – the first Cowboy quarterback to do that at Texas Stadium.

Anyway, over here in South Africa, Thursday was just the fourth day of the work week. Today, we all met at the Beighle’s and celebrated Thanksgiving. There were about 27 missionaries and several friends. The Beighle’s have hosted Thanksgiving for years and this was there last one as they retire next year enjoying 31 years on the field. We had a wonderful meal and a lot of good fellowship. It wasn’t the same as being home, but it was the next best thing to being there – even though it was in the low 90’s. I looked at the thermomether in my bedroom this evening – it read 89 degrees – but I am thankful.

I Am Thankful.....

...for the taxes that I pay because it means that I am employed.

...for the mess to clean after a party because it means I have been surrounded by friends.

...for the clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enough to eat.

...for my shadow who watches me work because it means I am out in the sunshine.

...for a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home.

...for all the complaining I hear about the government because it means we have freedom of speech.

...for the spot I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of walking.

...for the lady behind me in church who sings off key because it means that I can hear.

...for the piles of laundry and ironing because it means I have clothes to wear.

...for weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day because it means I have been productive.

...for the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because it means that I am alive.


Anonymous said...

... for the 2 o'clock am feeding because I have a new baby

... for the dirty diapers because I have a new baby (or do you change diapers)

Anonymous said...

What can I say, America's Team( I am not sure why they are America's Team) just lost to one of the worst NFL teams in the league; 39 to 31 at Dallas.