It is hard to believe that it has been almost 3 months since the last post. It has been my intention, believe me, to have had several posts by now, but for whatever reason, I have not completed any. I believe this is a form of spiritual warfare because in these updates, Jody and I try to give God all the glory. I know that the enemy is not happy as our focus continues to be on the Lord.
Our work continues with pockets of joy, successes
, and disappointments. The work in 39 is progressing slowly. Million and I continue to go out and share with Goodwin. In one of my recent conversations with him, I asked Goodwin what good have our visits had? I had kind of been having the feelings of "what's the use - am I doing any good." He responded by saying that "I know that Jesus loves me!" His response almost brought tears to my eyes and I was greatly encouraged and knew that God was using our work out there.
Every Wednesday evening, our team members here in Mmabat
ho meet for prayer. During this time we are able to share with each other the activities and ministries of the previous week. One of our recent comments has been "We'll never know..." As one of our team member's term is coming to a close, we've been sharing about how her ministry has changed from what she thought she was going to do and what God has her doing right now. Just the little things that we do that we think don't matter - we have seen God do some mighty things!
Jody continues her work and is doing a great job in her minis
try. I am so proud of her as a husband and ministry partner. She has such a heart for the Tswana people. It breaks her heart to be in contact with some many children and babies and know that their future is not too bright! If we could, we'd have a house full of Tswana children. Jody's work in Moshawane had a touch of sadness as a faithful lady of her Bible studies died of AIDS leaving 6 children. However, we continue to press on knowing the peace that only our Loving Saviour brings.
The children are all doing great. We have about 4 weeks of scho
ol left before we head home. Jody is teaching Bethany how to read through the program "Sing, Spell, Read and Write" The first song is an Alphabet Song helping her to learn the letters and sounds. Well, right in the middle of everything is Melody singing louder than anyone wanting the song to be replayed. It was an incredible sight when she was playing out in the garage (separated from and behind the house), Jody turned that song on and turned it up. She heard it, made a bee-line from the garage, down the driveway, into the house, through the kitchen door, and up on her chair with her "homework" book open singing away. I have it recorded on video. Andy started 9th grade in September - wow! where has the time gone? He got his brace
s off last week - so he is ready for our return to the States - he won't have to miss out on all the "sweets!" Josiah continues with his "A" work. He is motivated to get into his school room, work ahead and get his work done and be done for the day - by mid-morning. Caleb is tops in his class. The school has been so good for him from a social aspect. When he started 3 years ago, he kept to himself. His teacher was a little concerned at the beginning. Now, 3 years later, he tells us "...because I am popular!" We just laugh with him!!
I had the opportunity in September to go to Zambia for a
training meeting. We drove! It was a long, long trip. I was able to do something that I am sure not many people are able to say they have done. We were able to eat 3 meals in 3 different countries in one day - actually in about 14 hours. We ate breakfast in Botswana, lunch in Namibia, and supper in Zambia. I had a great time and I am looking forward to the opportunity to return along with the family. Through our drive in northern Botswana, we saw several elephants along side the road - just living! We also saw some zebra and ostrich out in a field. It was neat to see that.
Well, thanks again for your care, concern and prayers. I was deeply touched a couple of days ago when I received an email from a prayer partner. He told me that he had not received the Prayer Calendar that we sent out for October and requested another copy. I had no idea that he was praying and thought enough of us to request another one. Know that your prayers are so important and we appreciate them. "We'll never know..." what your prayers have done for us until we get to heaven. Blessings.